Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Father of LSD Dies

Albert Hofmann, father of the drug LSD, dies in Switzerland

GENEVA (AP) - The father of LSD has died.
Albert Hofmann was 102 when he died of a heart attack at his home in Switzerland yesterday.
The chemist discovered the mind-altering drug in 1938 while studying the medicinal uses of a fungus found on wheat and other grains.

He became the first human guinea pig when a tiny amount of the hallucinogen seeped on to his finger during a 1943 experiment. He later took a larger dose and said he was filled with an
overwhelming fear that he would "go crazy."
For decades after it was banned in the late 1960s, Hofmann defended his invention. He says he produced the drug "as a medicine" and it wasn't his fault if people abused it. But he also wrote a book titled "LSD - my problem child."

Monday, April 21, 2008

Free Rice

In case you haven't heard or read about this great Web site: Free Rice. I first heard about this last year and have been trying to spread the word about it. The concept is simple. Answer questions on vocabulary correctly and feed hungry people across the world. The site makes no money, and you can learn some new words while doing something good. It gets addictive though. Hope you check it out.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Movie Recommendation

Several nights ago, I was in the mood for some comedy so I rented "Lars and the Real Girl," starring Ryan Gosling (which by the way, if you haven't seen "Half Nelson" do it after you read this.) Well I made a mistake, not because the movie was bad, but because it wasn't one of those ha-ha laugh out loud comedies. I did laugh, but I cried a lot too, in a good way. One of the themes of the movie: Unconditional love. Watch this.

A Request

I like to think that I have a pretty high tolerance for things, but I admit I also get annoyed easily by little things...people not washing their hands after using the bathroom, eating with their mouths opened, smacking chewing gum. I'll spare you the full list -- but, there are two things that really bug me. They're phrases:

"Throw (me/them/us) under the bus."
"It is what it is."

I hate it. I cringe when I hear these two "sentences." Please if I'm around, don't say them. But if you do say them, I won't admonish you.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Bad Day

You know you're having a bad day when you realize -- at work -- you have toothpaste on your black pants, you accidently hang up on an important conference call, and your oatmeal explodes in the microwave at the office kitchen. My day. I know things will get better...hopefully.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

New York State of Mind

I'm feverishly running down the stairs in heels, I hear the train approaching the Times Square stop, it takes me two swipes for my Metrocard to go through...this has been my dream for the past couple of days. I wake up right when I approach the platform. I'd been back a couple of times since I graduated from Columbia, and every time I visit, I encounter past and new experiences. Whether it's going to my favorite restaurants or meeting new people...there's just something. I was extremely happy this time around in the Big Apple because I didn't allow myself to get sucked back into the "bad" memories of NYC. It's too amazing of a place to allow that. I promise to blog more about my experiences and post some pictures as well. Right now, I need to try and get my circadian rhythms back in order.

(The picture was taken by my friend Adam McClure...who drove from Massachusetts to come see me! Thanks Adam)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Ready, Set...

Go. That word pretty much sums up New York City. It can be used as a verb and an adjective. Everyone in the city is always on the "go," and Manhattan is just so "go." There's something about this it the fast-paced environment? the amazing subway station? the amazing variety of restaurants? the fact that the City never sleeps? the fact that it's a journalist's dream locale?... It's a combination of all of that, and then some. I often find myself romanticizing New York, though. I was talking to my friend/grad school roommate last night, and she said she's guilty of that too. She's living in Manhattan now, and admits that it's different when you live and work there -- especially if your job doesn't match the high cost of living. As a student, New York City is -- and was for me -- an amazing place in which to live. Unless I find an amazing job that I love and a salary that matches the rent, food and "going-out" costs, I think I'll continue romanticizing about NYC as an honorary ex-pat.

Some places I'm excited to revisit: Rice to Riches, Fairway, H&H Bagels, any pizza place...and a swath of other good restaurants.